Monday, April 9, 2012

a glitterized Easter

What do you remember about Easter when you were little?
Decorating eggs?
An Easter egg hunt?
The Easter bunny?

I remember them all...

This year I still felt like a little kid who got to decorate eggs.
Just with a slight change ♥
My egg decorating involved cupcakes....
Not just any cupcakes...
Fun pretty sparkly peep cupcake filled eggs.
Yes, I baked cupcake inside of a real eggshell, and it was a fun sparkly adventure.

Of course the cupcake fun didn't stop there...
These lovelies were created in the late hours of the night for all of you to enjoy Easter morning.
Maybe even a hidden Easter basket was filled with these sparkly cupcakes. ♥
What is Easter without peeps, and chocolate?
A chocolate cupcake turned into an Easter dream.
With the grass, and the bunny peeping out at you.
It was an Easter dream of cupcakes. ♥

1 comment:

  1. That's so cute! You are a really talented artist, or baker, or cupcake-designer;) I could never do anything like that! My BFF has a rabbit that looks just like the one above.

